Sunday, June 19, 2011

Awards Assembly

Bonsall West had an awards assembly for grades 3-5. Brynn earned the citizenship award for excellent behavior all year and the Principal's Honor Roll. The Principal's Honor Roll was given to the students who received only A's all year long on their report card. Brynn was the only one in her class to earn the award and one of six in her entire grade.

We are so proud of her for her hard work! There were many nights that she was up late doing homework or many mornings that I would wake up to the sound of her practicing the piano and then sitting at the table finishing up homework without ever being asked. I have never had to remind Brynn to do homework or reading. She innately has an amazing sense of responsibility and accountability. I wish I could say it was a trait we taught her as her parents, but we don't deserve any of the credit. At the risk of sounding like a terrible mom, I will say that I've never practiced for a spelling test with her, and she has a 100% record. She is very self-motivated and puts forth such a great effort, which in my book is far greater than any stroke of genius. She's such a great example to us. Sometimes I get choked up thinking about the sweet spirit we have in our home. Don't get me wrong, she can be feisty, but she's a great girl! :)

The principal was hilarious! We absolutely love him. There was a teacher's honor roll for kids who got A's and B's and he told them how awesome it was and that if they were able to keep this all up throughout their education, they would be able to go to some great school's like UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC San Diego, etc. He then said to Brynn's group (the Principal's Honor Roll) that if they kept it up, they would be able to go to Harvard and Yale and schools like that. It made me laugh, and I hoped that the other students didn't feel bad about his comment. I also thought that Brynn was probably thinking, "Who cares about those Ivy league schools, but what about BYU-Provo, BYU-Idaho, or BYU-Hawaii?" (in no particular order).

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