Friday, June 20, 2008

The Fiesta!

About a week ago, one of the mom's from Brynn's class told me that her daughter was going to be giving Brynn a birthday invitation that day for her birthday party. Brynn was thrilled when she got the invitation and quickly noticed that it would be a swim party. She's been talking about it for days. The other day she came home and said, "Mom, Jasmine said that it's okay for my brother and sister to come to the party too." Abby was so excited because she likes to play at the park with Jasmine's twin brother and sister who are her age. I told Abby I would have to go and ask if it was really okay when we got there.

Well, last Saturday was the party. I loaded all the kids in the car. I wasn't sure if the swim party was a kiddie pool party or if they had a real underground pool, so I didn't even bring any of the kids swim gear (goggles, toys, etc).

We arrived at Jasmine's beautiful house and walked into the backyard. They had a beautiful and big backyard with a guinite pool and gorgeous landscaping. There were a couple of big tents set up with tables and as we walked in I smelled something divine. They were having the party catered with authentic mexican food. YUM! They had cold slushie machines set up, and chips and salsa on every table...these people know how to party. As we entered I soon realized this was a family event, and that Brynn was right, it was for the entire family.

I'm wondering if this is part of the hispanic culture to have big birthday parties with the whole family. We've seen it a few different times. I loved it! I called Joe and told him to come over and to bring the kids goggles and Aaron's suit.

There were about 50 people there, all with darling little kids. My kids blended in pretty well, but since we were the only caucasians there, my blonde hair looked a little out of place. :) I have to admit, I was a little jealous of their Spanglish. They switched back and forth between fluent Spanish and English so easily. When I went to tell the chef which type of tacos and quesadilla we wanted him to throw together for us, I wished I could have shocked him with some fluent Spanish, but unfortunately, mine is very limited. I've got to get me some skills. The kids had a great time, and the food was AMAZING! I am still salivating over the spanish rice. It was different than any I have ever tasted and so good!

After we had eaten, Joe went over and got Abby a slushie and then he headed out with Aaron to put him down for a nap. The party started at 2:00 and when Joe left at 4:00 things were still going strong. The kids were in the pool most of the time and didn't want to leave until after the cake, pinata, and presents, so I stayed with them.

After I ate, I thought the slushie sounded yummy so I was about to get one, but I was nervous about whether they were virgin margaritas or not. I noticed lots of people getting some... they looked like frozen limeade. I watched everyone for about 15 minutes and noticed that only the adults were drinking the limeade looking slushies. At first I thought, "Maybe the kids are just too busy swimming to notice....?" Then I noticed a 13 year old getting a refill for her mom. She filled it to the top, and then stuck her nose down to smell it, I would have naturally taken a taste if I were her, but she didn't, so I figured they had to have alcohol in them. I was too chicken to ask any of the adults.

I noticed no one was drinking the red slushies (they weren't frozen enough yet) so I went up to Brynn's friend and said, are the red slushies for the kids? She said, "Yeah and the light ones are for the adults." Ah-Ha! Glad I didn't go get one on a whim. But I started to wonder if Joe had given Abby some of it. Hmmm! That's all we need!
When I got home, I asked Joe what kind he gave Abby. He told me red, and that he had taken a sip of the limeade looking one and it was disgusting, so he figured it had alchohol in it. Thanks for warning me, sweetie! ;)

We stayed until about 6:00 and the party wasn't even beginning to slow down. Her dad came and said, "You're not leaving already are you?" I had been there 4 hours already!!! I'm wondering how long the rest of the party lasted. These people really know how to throw a party! It was a cultural experience for us all and really fun!

Lesson learned: Always ask before you drink...and it's probably safest to drink what all the kids are drinking. We are completely naive when it comes to this kind of thing....I left wondering if it's normal to have "drinks" at parties with families, or if typically those are reserved for adult only events. I honestly don't have a clue!

For the few reading this that might not know....we aren't alchohol drinkers....that's why everything was so foreign to us. :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

On My Mind....

I've had lots of different emotions going through me the last few weeks, months, and even past year, but haven't known where to start to write them all down. Even though my thoughts aren't as organized as I'd like, I'm going to write them down anyway. As a family we've experienced many changes and challenges this year, but amidst all of those, many blessings. Most of the struggles have been about charting unknown territory, trying to figure out exactly what we want for the future of our young family, and where we want to ultimately be. All simple things, yet they feel complex at times. For the most part, I've chosen not to write about some of those feelings here on the blog. I've recorded some in my personal journal, talked through them, and saved our blog to be our "happy place." Most of the feelings are very personal, and are always part of a process my heart is going through. I feel that to write things down here, for others to read, I would have to constantly edit, because my heart is constantly changing.

I also can't bring myself to write some of them down, because they pale compared to some of the challenges those around me face. I love reading about other's lives because it gives me perspective. I'm able to see things in a different way than my own, sometimes narrow, approach to life. I know that each of us experience struggles and challenges, no matter what picture we paint through our writing. The struggles come in so many different ways and affect each of us on such a different level. Some of the struggles we face, though difficult to get through, are easy to share, allowing others to learn from, while some simply aren't the type for sharing.

Throughout this past year, I've had days....those days we all have, where I wish things could be.....different. The way I want them to be. Then I think about the lessons I have learned, especially those I have learned through the extrememly difficult trials of others, and I am overcome with a sense of gratitude for all that is mine. All of my blessings and challenges. As I have worked to feel gratitude for ALL that is mine, both the blessings and challenges, I have experienced a sense of contentment and happiness. Not because everything is perfect, but because I have been filled with faith that things will work out, and I've been reminded of even the tiniest of blessings.

One of my favorite LDS authors is Ardeth G. Kapp. She was the Young Women's General President when I was just starting the young women's program. I read her book The Joy of the Journey as a young woman and loved the idea of joy during the entire journey of life. She said, “Many of us live in expectation of better days ahead, next week, next month, or next year. We will feel joy when we reach this goal, accomplish that project, or aquire some possession. . . . The joy of the journey comes not only in the anticipation of our ultimate destination, but also when our eyes are opened and we learn to experience the wonders of life and the goodness of life even when we are faced with the challenges.”

Sometimes it's easy for me to let little annoyances and especially hard trials overshadow the great blessings and joy the Lord gives me. I know that when I complain and resist, I lose the spirit and don't feel very joyful or happy, and I forget to have faith and trust in the Lord. This can cause me to become insensitive and blind to the blessings all around me and to forget there are others who are experiencing much deeper pain than I am.

While I was feeling sick during the beginning of my pregnancy, I couldn't bring myself to write about it, because I thought of all those who suffer from the pain of infertility or miscarriage and loss, and how they would give anything to feel that kind of sickness.

When my lipoprotein lipase enzymes totally kicked it into high gear in my backside :), I wanted to write about the joy of pregnancy weight gain on my behind and thighs, but it never seemed appropriate when I had close relatives and associations who had either just lost a child or who were dealing with severe illness and preparing for the imminent death of a child.

Which brings me to what is especially on my mind today.... my cousin Lori and her family. She has been at the heart of many tender feelings I have had lately. I have witnessed the gratitude in her and her little family, throughout this past year, during a time of great adversity. A couple of years ago, she welcomed her husband home from Iraq. Excited to expand their little family of four, they decided to bring another spirit to earth. After experiencing a difficult pregnancy she was more than excited for this baby to be born. Little Seth was born in March of 2007. Immediately after birth, Seth started to have seizures, and while under the care of the nurses repeatedly stopped breathing. Soon after birth, he was flown to a regional hospital for more specialized care. I remember going to the hospital that day to spend some time with Lori. While I was there casually visiting with her and her mom, the doctor called to tell her that something was really wrong. Her lips quivered as she told us the probability of what lie ahead. After holding each other and shedding many tears, we offered a prayer around her hospital bed. The prayer was offered by her mom, my aunt Bev, and the grandmother of this new baby boy. I don’t remember her exact words but I remember that she first expressed sincere gratitude that Seth was able to come to this earth, and into their family. As the weeks went on, they learned that Seth's life on earth would be shortened, but to what extent was unknown. They left the hospital a couple of months later, instructed on all of the procedures with medication, oxygen, and a feeding tube to make his little life more bearable. They have experienced lots of ups and downs over the past year, but have remained constant in their expression of gratitude for the blessing of having Seth in their family. Weeks after Seth was born, and it was discovered that his life would be shortened, his dad sent the following email.

Hey All,

I wanted to give you a quick update on the little man. He is doing well, he has been awake and alert today and was just looking around playing. It was so cute, I know that it might not be a big deal to many but to see a little guy in his situation do what he did was amazing. I know that I can not get my hopes up but what an example of never giving up and fighting even when all is lost. I still can not believe that I held him for an hour and he was wide awake and was just a playing and laughing. I am not a sentimental person but it almost brought me to tears of joy. Anyway I have to focus on the fact that I have a great little new baby instead of his problems because he is such a sweet little guy. I hope this makes sense I just wanted to share one of my happy days with you all and let you know how Seth is doing. Thanks for the prayers and support they are so much appreciated. Thanks! Dusty and Lori updates have been sent to each of us throughout the past 15 months, excerpts from the one written last week....

We have taken Seth off of what is called an oscillator and moved him to a conventional ventilator. The reason we did this is that he had plateaued and was not getting better. He is waking up and opening his eyes now and this will give us a couple of days to enjoy him and hold him and interact with him before he passes. We thank each of you for your support and love during this time and through Seth's life. When we are asked how we handle Seth's situation it is because of the support and love we receive from each of you. We know that Seth will go to a better place and will no longer have to suffer and we are very grateful for for the year we had with him and got to know him. While we could love to have more good times with Seth we understand he has accomplished more than ever expected on this earth and we have been blessed because of him. Any of you are more than welcome to come up to the hospital and see the little guy and say bye if you would like and your prayers in his behalf are more than welcome. Feel free to pass this e-mail to those we may have overlooked or do not have there e-mail addresses. thanks again for the love and support and have a good day. Love, Dusty and Lori

They have had, “The kind of gratitude that receives even tribulations with thanksgiving. . .and humility to accept that which we cannot change, willingness to turn everything over to the Lord.” (Sister Bonnie D. Parkin)

The days ahead will bring sorrow to their family as they say good-bye to their little Seth, though they will experience deep pain, I am confident they will then find a source of peace, happiness and joy in their lives as they remember the words of the Savior “be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours. . .and he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious.” They know, as I know, that it is through the Savior’s atoning sacrifice that they will be able to raise their infant son, as they remain faithful.

I am grateful for the Ray family and for their examples of faith and gratitude during this tender time. We are thrilled beyond expression about our news of yesterday. But, we take time today to pause and share in their sadness. We love you guys!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day and a Visit from Santa?

To celebrate our favorite father, we enjoyed some homemade Cafr Rio salad and then took a trip to the Sacramento Temple to enjoy some time as a family.

We had a hard time keeping the kids out of the fountain, it was a hot afternoon.

We couldn't ask for a better father. The kids adore him!

Perhaps a little meditation.....?

We met a man at the temple who looks just like Santa. Apparently he decided to capitalize on his looks and now plays Santa all over Sacramento. It all started when he was reading his scriptures on the grounds of a temple a few years ago and a family with lots of children approached him asking him if he were Santa. Now he comes to the temple and reads stories to families on Sunday afternoons.

We capped off the evening with some oatmeal cake and vanilla bean ice cream. It was a wonderful day!

Lunch Date with Dad!

We took the whole family with us to our ultrasound today, with plans to go to our favorite local spot for lunch afterward. It was pretty fitting because..... Roses are red, pickles are green, we saw the legs, and guess what's between?

post-script: I had to add a few details from my original post, my mom didn't get it at first, neither did my sister, they're not used to me using such raw language ;) I thought I'd let you all know, we had our ultrasound today....I'm usually more refined ;) ....Wade, on the other hand, called me within seconds of posting it...he and Sara totally got it!

Friday, June 13, 2008

More of this please!

We've been having lots of squabbles between the kids lately. They get so frustrated with each other and I'm baffled at the physical aggression that can come out of them at times. Some mornings I'm ready to call it a day by 8:30 a.m. I constantly ask them, "Have you ever seen dad and me yell at each other like that?" or "Do you ever see dad or me hit each other like that?" They always say, 'No!" But then Joe always reminds me, "Amy, you've never talked to me like that, but I remember how you and Emily were at each other's throats all through high school." Oh my! He is right, and I was old enough to know better.... how soon we forget. Sorry Em! I guess this is my payback!

Summer has officially arrived...except Brynn is still in school :(

We're making good use of our summer swim pass and the kids are looking forward to swimming lessons this summer. We're excited to spend lots of time in the water!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Little Mouse in the Closet

The other day I went to hang some laundry in the girl's closet. I could hear some light humming and the hangers slightly moving, but I couldn't see anything. A few seconds later I noticed Abby trying to find something to wear. Silly girl!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

mIsMaTCh dAy!

We're counting down the days until school is out. Only 2 more weeks! A couple of weeks ago Brynn had mismatch day at school and she looked forward to it all week. She planned with great enthusiasm, well in advance, just how her hair and clothing should look. In true Brynn fashion she asked me everyday, several times a day, "But Mom, what if you forget that it's mismatch day and I'm the only one who isn't mismatched?" I told her each time that I wouldn't forget..."But what if you do?" We finally made it to the day, and Brynn was one of the few who did remember that it was mismatch day. She was very pleased with her mayhem. Fun, fun girl!

Friday, June 6, 2008

What will IT be...."

We are all really excited to have our ultrasound next week! It's so fun to have something to look forward to. I don't think I could handle waiting until the baby is born. I don't think Joe could either. He already told me if we can't see a gender we're going to the mall to take another peek at the ultrasound place there. The Nurse Practitioner told us last week, "Now don't come hoping to see a know, we have these people who have the bedroom decorated all Raider and then they bring home a little ballerina..." I started to wonder if their equipment is ancient. My other three ultrasonographers told me, "I wouldn't tell you if I wasn't sure."... along with the 99.9% disclaimer of course.

The other night while I was tucking the girls in they were asking when we would be able to find out....after I told them I asked them what they were hoping for. Abby said, "I'll be happy with both-er.." (She mixes either and both often). She's been saying that since the beginning. Brynn said with a smile, "Me too, I hope it's a boy so Aaron can have a brother, and I hope it's a girl so we can use the cute girl name we like." I couldn't agree more. I will be thrilled with either and I will also be a little sad for whichever one it isn't.

As I walked out of the room Abby said, "What if it's a green baby?" We all laughed and said, "It won't be green." and Joe replied, "I haven't given mom any green elixer." Too much Wicked on the brain lately.

Money Sense From 4 and 6 Year Olds

While making dinner the other night Abby popped into the kitchen with this suggestion:

Mom, you should start saving your money.

We do Abby. When daddy gets paid we take part of that money and save for the future and for emergencies.

Well Mom, when dad gets paid you should save your money so that you can buy cool stuff for your kids.

Someday she'll realize, that's exactly where most of the rest of the money goes, evidently, I'm not buying the"cool" stuff though ....made me smile.

On a seperate occasion, while shopping at Target, I told Brynn "no" when she asked for something she wanted. She looked up at me with a scowl and said, "Why do you get to buy everything you want when we go to the store, but we never get to buy anything that we want?"

I asked her, "What do I buy that I want?"

She replied, "Like paper towels, and soap, and toothepaste...."

"Ya, Brynn, you're right, that's EVERYTHING that I want."

Monday, June 2, 2008

Brynn Lost Her First Tooth!

Our sweet little six year old is growing up! She lost her first tooth on Memorial Day! She pulled it out all by herself! Way to go Brynn!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Memorial Day 2008

When we arrived home from our trip we wanted to do something Memorial Day-ish with the kids, so we went to the California State Capitol for the afternoon to visit the Veteran's Memorial.

We always love seeing all of the orange trees all over the grounds. I spy Joseph, do you?
What this guy won't do for his mother-in-law. He tried to get her a ripe orange to taste, everyone had picked the ones near the bottom of branches, so he climbed. Too bad it wasn't quite ripe yet, when they are ripe they are the sweetest oranges ever!
Abby explaining to Brynn the reason for all of the flowers. I wish I would have heard this explanation.
Joseph took a few minutes to explain the history behind the monument.

Aaron noticed a baby being rescued by a soldier carved out of the bronze. He kept saying, 'Baaaby! Baaaby!"
When I hear numbers of fallen troops, it makes me sad, but when I see their individual names carved or written out, it makes the reality of their sacrifice so clear. I can't help thinking about the fact that they are someone's son, daughter, father, mother, sister, brother, friend.

So many things to be grateful for.

In front of the govern-ators office.
In Utah, on Memorial Day, nearly every year we have gone to the Spanish Fork Cemetery for the Veteran's Day Memorial Program. We then visit the graves of all of our loved ones. It's always a nice time for reflection and gives us a chance to remember the service men and women who have served our country. It's also been a great opportunity to reflect on all of the other people who have passed on, who have touched our lives through the years.