Thursday, November 19, 2009

Father & Children's Outing

Joseph took the kids hiking last week while I took some time to get a few things done without the kids in tow. It amazes me how easy he makes it look to take all of them somewhere alone. I don't brave it very often at all, unless it is the park. He says that having them in the outdoors is easier than taking them to the store. I think he has a point, but still, I'm impressed and grateful.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fall Fun

After school, on most school days, we go to the park to play with friends. It's a great way for everyone to unwind after school. Fall arrives later in this part of Northern California than other areas we have lived in the West. We welcome it. The kids have ignored the playground for the past week in order to play in the fallen leaves. The weather has cooled, but you'll notice Abby is still sporting her summer attire. Very typical of her.

New Friends

The Marcheschi Family moved to Woodland from Draper a couple of months ago and we have all had such a great time getting to know them. Our kids love to be with their girls and each time we get together they hit it off famously. After General Conference we got together for a visit. We enjoyed a yummy pasta meal and made sugar cookies. Being with them makes Brynn miss her Utah cousins, because as she says, "The Marcheschi's remind me of Utah and it makes me miss my cousins." Sometimes you just need friends who "get it," if-ya-know-what-I mean?

On Veteran's Day we met up at Fairy Tale Town and let the kids play all afternoon. It was a great day for everyone, except that I forgot to take my camera. Joseph is the pictures taker and he is usually the brains behind any photo-op we have. Besides, I was thinking about other how terrified I was about taking all of my children to a public place alone. I only lost Aaron about 4 times. Only once did I had to involve the park staff, but my friend Monica found him staring at the three blind mice in the big red barn. Yes, real. live. mice! Eeeew! The first thing he said when his dad got home from work was, "I dot yost Dad!" He's a wanderer. It was a fun day. We wish the Marcheschi's lived right next door, or even down the street, but we'll even take across town. We're just glad their here!

Halloween Hiking

Have you ever been hiking on Halloween? We have! Joseph was in charge of planning a special family activity after the baptism, and what else would he have this family doing?

We hiked in the Berryessa mountain range overlooking Lake Berryessa which is about 25 minutes west of our house.

While the kids were playing in the water, we started to skip rocks with my Dad. For the record, I will go down as the lousiest rock skipper there ever was, my Dad on the other hand, is quite the pro. Joe remembers that Dad skipped a rock 11 times, but my memory recalls 16. Either one is pretty remarkable by any standard. Wow Dad! What a skill! :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Brynn's Baptism Day

Brynn Alyse Lee chose to be baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on October 31st, 2009. That's right...Halloween! It was a wonderful morning. Because she was the only one in our stake to be baptized this month, the primary presidency and bishopric let us plan the program under the bishop's direction. Brynn chose the songs, musical number the speaker and she was even able to choose the chorister and pianist. She loved it! We realized after that we probably gave her dad too many responsibilities, but that's the way Brynn wanted it to be. Joseph and Brynn have always been extra close. Grandma Rowene gave the opening prayer and Granpa Billy gave the closing prayer. Bishop Ellis conducted, Sister Colleen Haley played the piano, and our babysitter Julia led the music, she leaves for BYU-Idaho in January :( Brynn wanted Joseph to speak about Baptism and the Holy Ghost and then she chose the song "Teach Me to Walk in the Light" to sing with Joseph and Abby. They did a beautiful job and there was a tender spirit there. Joseph then baptized and confirmed Brynn. She was so delighted and said she felt such a warm feeling standing in the water next to her Dad, even though the water was "FREEZING!" as she put it.

Brynn's best little school friend came to her baptism. We thought it was so nice of her to support Brynn on such a special day. Brynn had lots of other friends there, but Annie came early so we were able to snap a quick picture. Brynn felt so loved and supported by our ward family and her friends. The room was filled with people Brynn had asked us to personally invite. She felt so much love being surrounded by so many people she admires so much.

Joseph did a wonderful job teaching and testifying about baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. My testimony was strenghtened listening to the words he spoke. I am grateful for this choice that Brynn made. I know that while Brynn ultimately made the decision to be baptized, we as parents, were responsible for teaching her the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that Joseph Smith received a revelation recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants (section 68:25-28) about the age of 8 being the age of accountability. The revelation is far more eloquent than my representation of it. "And again, inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized, that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents. For this shall be a law unto the inhabitants of Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized. And their children shall be baptized for the remission of their sins when eight years old, and receive the laying on of the hands. And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord. "

Because of this principle, the song Brynn chose to sing with Joseph and Abby was so powerful. Teach me to walk in the light of his love, teach me to pray to my father above. Teach me to know of the things that are right, teach me, teach me, to walk in the light. When Joseph sang the second verse he became choked up at first because of the Spirit he felt . Come little child and together we'll learn of his commandments, that we may return, home to his presence to live in his sight, always, always to walk in the light. Then they sweetly ended together.... Father in Heaven we thank thee this day, for loving guidance to show us the way, grateful we praise thee with songs of delight, gladly, gladly, we'll walk in the light.

Joseph has taken the responsibility to teach the Gospel to our children very seriously. He has always felt a sense of urgency about family scripture study and family prayer. I am grateful to him for that. Sometimes it's easy for me to get busy with the flow of life and to think that missing one day of scripture study or one morning prayer won't matter. We have missed, but he helps me to see that it does matter and that taking the time to do these simple things is so important. Having him teach seminary every morning has really helped. He gets home from teaching his class at 7:45 and we read together before he takes the girls to school at 8:05.

I wish we would have taken a picture with everyone that had come, but we had such a nice time visiting afterward that we just didn't do it. Each person that came wrote a special message to Brynn while she was getting ready in between her baptism and her confirmation. It has been a treat for her to read through the words of love, support and testimony each person wrote. The following families and individuals were there to witness this ordinance with us. The Haley's, the Pratt's, the Ellis', Sister Evert, the Jessica Walton, Jori Smith, the Marcheschi's, the Stapp's, the Brooks, the Stangers, Lisa Lindquist, The Thomas', the Henneke's, the Lybbert's, Elder Giddens, Elder Bingham, Annie and Erica Koontz, the Ochoa's, and the Braun's.

We are so grateful that Grandma and Grandpa and Delaney came. They were a great help to me and wonderful support to Brynn on her special day.

Brynn was so excited and ready to make these special covenants with her Heavenly Father. She has anticipated this day for a very long time and she was delighted to become a "member of God's kingdom" as she so often put it. We are so happy that she is such a wonderful example to our family. She is a sweet Daughter of God with a very obedient spirit. I am very grateful for the knowledge that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth through the prophet Joseph Smith. What a profound blessing.