Sunday, January 18, 2009

Just some pictures...

Abby asked, "Mom, have you blogged about my fashion outfit for Gwandma to see yet?"

The weather this week has been beautiful! I followed Scott's advice and said, "YES" to the kids request to play on the trampoline in their swimming suits. 74 degrees in January is
just the kind of weather I would order.
I stayed inside and caught smiles of this one...wishing I had a thousand dollar camera that would instantly snap the shots....but even without, so cute!
People always ask if he is a good baby. My response is always, "No not really.... but we love him anyway." He isn't always fussy, he just loves to be held. We've discovered recently that he's more of a social creature. He's always happiest when having his diaper changed, we figure it's because he can see our faces and we talk to just him, not just talk to everyone else who happen to be around him. So, simply put he is a good baby as long as I am holding him. :) We enjoy each other's company. This is what Sir Isaac looks like when he's not happy....still cute.
Brynn is a huge help! She usually does her homework while I make dinner, but she's always quick to pick Isaac up and walk around with him when he fusses or when I need to hold Aaron.
Do other people who have children just want to keep having them so they can see what the next one looks like? Or is it just me? Sounds very responsible of me, doesn't it? It's crazy, but I love their cute individual faces! But then reality hits and I'm reminded of all the work involved (emotional, physical, spiritual, etc.) with taking care of these cute little human beings!
We are busy, exhausted, and at times overwhelmed, but happy and enjoying this phase we are in.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Funny and cute things to remember....

I've been so busy getting loads of pictures downloaded, that I've forgotten to record all of the amusing day to day things that happen that are definitely worth remembering. I know many have slipped my mind, but here are a few I still recall from the last few weeks.

*Scott (my brother) and I were talking on the phone last week. Scott mentioned to me that his theme for the year is going to be saying "Yes!" more often. He told me about taking Cooper to one of the Dixie games a few nights before. Scott decided, without telling Cooper, that he was going to say "Yes" to every request Cooper asked of him that night. They were simple requests, but after the second or third request, Cooper said something like, "Wow Dad, you are the COOLEST! You say yes to everything!"

Scott challenged me to say "Yes!" more. "Yes" for those things that you can really let your kids get away with, like pouring their own milk, getting out the finger paints just after you have finished cleaning the kitchen, eating 3 chocolate chips on thier morning toast, wearing their swimsuits on the tramp in January (it was 74 degrees on Monday, so no big deal) things like that. I had just told him about telling my kids "No!" to their request for a dog. (They're terrified of dogs, I don't know what they're thinking?) Anyway, Brynn heard part of our conversation and then also another part of our conversation where I was telling Scott how much they had been begging us to move back to Utah so they could live by cousins. I told Scott that I needed to post the word "YES" up on my fridge to remember to say "YES" to the little things. Well Brynn decided to save me some time so she made the sign for me, only she put the two conversations together and this is what she wrote on the sign.

YES! When we move, go to St. George because Scott called Amy and Brynn wants to live in Utah, but Scott said, "Go to St. George!"

Later when I asked her why she wanted to move to St. George so bad she said, "I want to move to St.George, because it's sunny all the time and no one has to go to work!" So I called Scott and told him what an easy life Brynn thought he had and we both realized that every time we've been to St. George, (only a few times for my kids because we've lived out of state) we've been visiting on weekends or holidays and my brothers Scott and Wade haven't been working. It's just a big party the whole time! Funny Brynn!

*For Family Home Evening last week we were finishing up some Christmas thank you notes. Each person sort of took care of their own and then everyone handed them to me for a stamped envelope. We got quite the kick out of the card for Emily and Stephen from Brynn. She wrote, "Thank you for inviting us to your wedding. I had so much fun. How did your honeymoon work out and make sure if your pregnant tell me and I will be wondering what it looks like. Love, Brynn" No, she doesn't know how it happens, but last week she saw an LDS adoption commercial and she said to me, "Mom, you can have a baby when you're not married?" I told her, "Yes, sometimes people have babies when they aren't married, but Heavenly Father wants us to be married because it's good for a baby to have a mom and dad to take care of it. Most people try to be married before they have a baby. " She must have put it all together and decided that it was a good time for Emily to have a baby. Later that night, after our conversation she said to Abby, "Guess what! Mom said that people who aren't married can have babies!" Joseph looked at me like, "What have you been telling our daughter." I then had to explain to him our conversation. The wheels are a turnin' in these heads. It won't be long before we have some explainin' to do!

*Another funny from Brynn - The kids don't do that much on the computer. They may play on starfall once in a while, but they don't do alot, that's what makes this next part funny to me. Brynn decided she wanted to make a pretend computer. She made a keyboard and monitor out of paper. In the top left hand corner she wrote GOOGLE and on the screen she wrote....How to make two year olds get potty traind sooner. If their almost 3 say some words to start.

I didn't even know she knew that GOOGLE existed or what it is used for. I guess that's a major hint to start talking about potty training with Aaron. I haven't done anything to get the process started. Brynn, you're turning into my mother!

*Abby said to me the other day, "Mom, you're a good cook, you should work at McDonalds or Wendy's or something!"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Isaac's Blessing Day

We ended our trip to Utah with Isaac's blessing on December 28. It was a nice way to end our trip and provided a great opportunity to get together with our families again. Joseph gave him a beautiful and simple blessing and then we enjoyed a waffle brunch . It was a treat to see so many Lee and Vest boys (including in-laws) in the circle.

Because we spent lots of time with my family for the wedding, this provided us with the opportunity to visit a little more with some of Joseph's siblings and our good friends Brent and Lindi. When it came time for the party to end, we packed up our 15 pieces of luggage and flew home. It was a great trip! My mom made this blanket/afghan when Brynn was born. We keep it in a safe place and we have used it each time one of our children have been blessed. It is beautiful and so fun to pull out when it's time to bless someone. I accidentally left it at home, but because Joseph flew in later, he brought it along with him.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Emily's Wedding

Wahoo! She did it! Emily is married....and as the story goes in our family, she doesn't have to sit at the kids table anymore!

On Christmas night we had a beautiful wedding dinner with our family and friends and those of the Hutchings and Covey families. It was a riot. Stephen and his family made a couple of "home" (they were actually very professional) videos and there were a couple of long-standing Covey traditions that were really funny. It was a fun night, and quite possible the longest wedding dinner I have ever been to, it was quite the production. We started at 6:00 and I think that we left with our family at 10:00. I think it's fair to say they are a down right crazy and fun bunch of people. Stephen's grandpa walked around with a silly Christmas hat complete with lights and carried a really long fork, sneaking food off of people's plates. Joseph was getting his food off of the buffet table and thought, "Where is that fork coming from?" I am really excited for Stephen to be in our family, and so pleased that Emily is so happy.

The next morning we headed to Salt Lake to attend their sealing in the Salt Lake Temple. They were sealed by Stephen's Grandfather, Stephen R. Covey. It really meant alot to both of them since Stephen and Emily first met through Stephen's Grandma and Grandpa Covey. It was a wonderfully freezing day, but Emily said she didn't even feel cold. I guess that's what love does to you! Emily looked stunning! I have never seen her look more beautiful! (and Stephen didn't look that bad either :)

The whole Vest clan. Our family pictures the last few years have become outdated rather quickly. I wonder how long this one will last?

Our cute little Isaac with the bride!
Seeing Aaron in a tux was the highlight of my night. There is nothing cuter than a 2 year old in a tux, especially when he is shakin' it on the dance floor.

Uncle Wader and Isaac

At one point we couldn't find Aaron, there were so many people there. Then I walked to the middle of the room and found him dancing away. I had several people come to tell me they had been watching him and couldn't believe what rhythm he had and the moves he had for a two-year old. I started watching him and laughed right out loud. He is just like his Dad! That makes me excited because his Dad is so much fun!
Abby found an instant friend in Stephen's little sister. They are both here to rule the world and were quite the pair. Abby says she is so glad that Emily and Stephen got married because now she and Arden are cousins (sort of?).

By the end of the night, the tux was a mess with food everywhere and straps hanging all around....but he still looked cute, and I think he knew it.

My mom stressed about finding something to wear...just like she has for every wedding, but she found a beautiful dress that was very flattering. It was fun to finally see her let down a little and have fun. She was pretty busy and stressed with holiday and wedding plans before this.

Aaron had fun showing off as others cheered him on.
We sent Emily and Stephen off to Hawaii with sparklers, and then helped pick up a little and headed hom to crash. When we arrived home all the women sat and talked about the wedding play by play. Scott teased that we sounded like a bunch of men talking about the big game. He predicted we would be doing it for weeks so no more making fun of them when they talk about the Cougars football season.
I love wedding and big event celebrations. It ended up being a really fun day when all was said and done....the only sad part is that she's the last in our immediate family to get married. :( No more Vest Family weddings. I think my parent's are relieved. I'm thinking we need to start our wedding fund...donations will gladly be accepted!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Day 2008

Brynn and Abby woke up bright and early, but thankfully not too bright or too early. Aaron slept in until we woke him at 10:30, we opted to let him sleep as long as possible since it would be a BIG next couple of days for all of us. It was cute to see the girls peruse through everyone's gifts from Santa.

Abby was very pleased with her gift from mom and dad...a new Care-Bear blankie. Joseph and I stayed up until 3 a.m. tying the quilt, but it would have been 5 a.m. if Sara and Grandma hadn't helped us get started. Thanks ladies! Grandma Rowene did the binding while we packed our bags to go home. This gift was truly a whole family effort and her favorite gift of Christmas.

I think Brynn was looking to see if any of the piles had what she REALLY wanted in them. After seeing what Santa left, she said, "Are there any more presents." You see, what she REALLY wanted was something she had had her eye on for the last few weeks. When I saw it I said, "We are absolutely not buying that!" Joseph told me, 'We absolutely are buying it!" Brynn asked Santa for it, but Joseph told Santa that he wanted to take the credit for getting her what she really wanted. Santa agreed to let her dad and mom take the credit and we took care of the thing Brynn wanted the most this Christmas....we put the present in a Target bag before we wrapped it to throw her off, because she knew it didn't come from Target. I must admit, it was delightsome to see her face and her excitement when she discovered what was inside.....
A soft and furry brown coat that she saw at Marshall's and fell in love with! I must confess that, while I thought the coat was hideous at first, it has grown on me. J oseph and my mom convinced me that I shouldn't crimp her style.
I don't think she removed the coat for the rest of the weekend, except to bathe, and of course at the reception when we told her she had to give her new dress equal showing time.
When Aaron did finally wake up, he was all smiles, even with dried, cracked lips. (That darn dry Utah climate). We could have given him a single book for Christmas and he would have been thrilled.
He proudly donned this back pack from Joe's mom all morning. It was mini and super cute! I spent the morning trying to undo all of the crazy packaging jobs they do now days.

Joseph is always a wonderful gift-giver. This year he did some nice "things" for me and I was/am very grateful for his thoughtfulness, but the best gift of all came as a complete surprise. He always writes a letter for gift-giving holidays. This year he did another sweet letter and wrapped it up nicely for me to open. I read the letter that expressed his love and appreciation...specifically his appreciation for my conservative style and my determination to pay off debt.

I read the letter and told him thanks, but I didn't realize there was more. He then told me to look under the tissue paper. As I lifted it my jaw dropped and I started to cry as I hurried to him for a hug. We hugged and cried together. We set a goal last year to have the private loan debt from law school paid off in the first half of 2009. We made some significant progress last year, but we weren't quite sure if we would really be able to do it. Well under the tissue paper was a check to pay off significantly more of that debt. We 're going to meet that goal after all! It has been so unifying to work hard and sacrifice together to reach it. He knows me so well, a gift of paying off our private loans is one of the best gifts he could give. Our hearts were/are full of gratitude to our Heavenly Father for rewarding our efforts.

Of course, my brother Wade lightened up the moment by saying, "Gee Clark, you shouldn't have..."

It was a great and busy day filled with lots of family, and the evening kicked off the wedding celebrations of the weekend!