Sunday, November 15, 2009

Our BIG Surprise and the Trunk or Treat

On October 30th we had a big day, followed by another big day on October 31st. My parents drove in to town on October 30th with cousin Delaney in tow. Brynn had no idea Delaney was coming. It was a fun surprise for her. I wasn't entirely sure either. I texted my mom late Thursday night and told her to call me before they left no matter how early it was. When I called her around 5 a.m. on Friday she told me that they had Delaney with them. When they arrived on Friday afternoon, my parents came in first and gave Brynn a note from Delaney expressing her congratulations and how she wished she could be there for Brynn's special day. She then told Brynn to go outside into the backyard because she had a surprise for her. We all walked into the backyard and Delaney was jumping on the trampoline. Brynn almost started hyperventilating. She didn't really know how to respond. I think that she was in literal shock. She was so excited and happy to have Delaney here. It was a real treat to have her with us.

We had our ward Trunk or Treat and Chili Cook-Off that night, celebrated Isaac's first birthday and made last minute preparations for Brynn's baptism on the morning of Halloween. It was one full weekend, but a very special one for us.

I actually dressed up for the Trunk or Treat but took my costume off because I was so hot (think temperature). I borrowed the idea from Wade and Sara. I dressed up as an AIG Executive at a Resort and Spa with my robe, towel turban and facial mask. Teh mask started to dry and became itchy, so I wiped it off. Only a select amount of people "got it," but those who did, thought it was hilarious! Come on people, don't you keep up on your current events?

Isaac was a trooper. It's a good thing he won't remember this birthday. I was so happy that he was born the day before Halloween and not on Halloween itself, but I am beginning to see that this could present some conflicts in the future. We'll have to get creative in his future birthday celebrations! We love our Isaac!
Thank goodness he is so easily pleased!

1 comment:

Jenni Coberly said...

Morganne's birthday is two days before Halloween. It does make for a crazy week...I won't lie. I loved all of your posts. How fun to have your parents in town and to have new friends from Utah!