I've been so busy getting loads of pictures downloaded, that I've forgotten to record all of the amusing day to day things that happen that are definitely worth remembering. I know many have slipped my mind, but here are a few I still recall from the last few weeks.
*Scott (my brother) and I were talking on the phone last week. Scott mentioned to me that his theme for the year is going to be saying "Yes!" more often. He told me about taking Cooper to one of the Dixie games a few nights before. Scott decided, without telling Cooper, that he was going to say "Yes" to every request Cooper asked of him that night. They were simple requests, but after the second or third request, Cooper said something like, "Wow Dad, you are the COOLEST! You say yes to everything!"
Scott challenged me to say "Yes!" more. "Yes" for those things that you can really let your kids get away with, like pouring their own milk, getting out the finger paints just after you have finished cleaning the kitchen, eating 3 chocolate chips on thier morning toast, wearing their swimsuits on the tramp in January (it was 74 degrees on Monday, so no big deal) things like that. I had just told him about telling my kids "No!" to their request for a dog. (They're terrified of dogs, I don't know what they're thinking?) Anyway, Brynn heard part of our conversation and then also another part of our conversation where I was telling Scott how much they had been begging us to move back to Utah so they could live by cousins. I told Scott that I needed to post the word "YES" up on my fridge to remember to say "YES" to the little things. Well Brynn decided to save me some time so she made the sign for me, only she put the two conversations together and this is what she wrote on the sign.
YES! When we move, go to St. George because Scott called Amy and Brynn wants to live in Utah, but Scott said, "Go to St. George!"
Later when I asked her why she wanted to move to St. George so bad she said, "I want to move to St.George, because it's sunny all the time and no one has to go to work!" So I called Scott and told him what an easy life Brynn thought he had and we both realized that every time we've been to St. George, (only a few times for my kids because we've lived out of state) we've been visiting on weekends or holidays and my brothers Scott and Wade haven't been working. It's just a big party the whole time! Funny Brynn!
*For Family Home Evening last week we were finishing up some Christmas thank you notes. Each person sort of took care of their own and then everyone handed them to me for a stamped envelope. We got quite the kick out of the card for Emily and Stephen from Brynn. She wrote, "Thank you for inviting us to your wedding. I had so much fun. How did your honeymoon work out and make sure if your pregnant tell me and I will be wondering what it looks like. Love, Brynn" No, she doesn't know how it happens, but last week she saw an LDS adoption commercial and she said to me, "Mom, you can have a baby when you're not married?" I told her, "Yes, sometimes people have babies when they aren't married, but Heavenly Father wants us to be married because it's good for a baby to have a mom and dad to take care of it. Most people try to be married before they have a baby. " She must have put it all together and decided that it was a good time for Emily to have a baby. Later that night, after our conversation she said to Abby, "Guess what! Mom said that people who aren't married can have babies!" Joseph looked at me like, "What have you been telling our daughter." I then had to explain to him our conversation. The wheels are a turnin' in these heads. It won't be long before we have some explainin' to do!
*Another funny from Brynn - The kids don't do that much on the computer. They may play on starfall once in a while, but they don't do alot, that's what makes this next part funny to me. Brynn decided she wanted to make a pretend computer. She made a keyboard and monitor out of paper. In the top left hand corner she wrote GOOGLE and on the screen she wrote....How to make two year olds get potty traind sooner. If their almost 3 say some words to start.
I didn't even know she knew that GOOGLE existed or what it is used for. I guess that's a major hint to start talking about potty training with Aaron. I haven't done anything to get the process started. Brynn, you're turning into my mother!
*Abby said to me the other day, "Mom, you're a good cook, you should work at McDonalds or Wendy's or something!"
I love the funny things the kids say. I also think its something that you really want to record. I think you are a fabulous cook too, you should work at Wendy's. ha ha
Super cute kiddos. Love them!
I loved the Google story...so sweet. She is definitely a little mother!
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