Sunday, October 19, 2008

38 weeks!

I am officially entering my "MONTH." The nurse midwife has made it clear from the very first appointment that they don't really consider your due date to hold much water.....most babies are born two weeks before or two weeks after that magical date. So basically, for the next month, I will consider myself a TIME-BOMB just waiting to explode! We have plenty to do between now and then, so I'm confident the time will fly!


Reno 411 said...

You are so cute and tiny. I am anxious to see what baby boy #2 looks like.

Kami Alkire Photography said...

Amy you look amazing! I'm so excited for your cute family to add another.

Mark and Kory Hawk said...

You look fabulous! I wish I were at that stage. My body sure feels like it is! I am measuring 37 weeks and I am only 30 weeks! Oh the joys of having twins!