Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's a slippery slope!

The other night Abby pulled out a juice pack. She had already helped herself to a couple that day, so I told her she needed to wait until tomorrow to drink it. She gave me a deflated, "Okay mom." A few minutes later she came to me while I was folding laundry and said, "Mom, I'm just going to put it out so I can see it, so I don't forget about it tomorrow, but I'm not going to drink it." I told her that was fine. About 5 minutes later, she came to me again, this time with the straw punched into the hole. "I just decided to get it ready for tomorrow Mom, but I won't drink it." Again I told her that was fine. I noticed it sitting full on the counter while she brushed her teeth for bed. After they went to bed, I went to close down the kitchen and found the juice, sitting there half-full waiting for tomorrow to come. I had a little laugh and put the juice in the fridge.


Sant Family said...

Abby reminds me so much of my Joseph. I get a real kick reading about her! Thanks!

Laura F said...

So funny! Sounds like something one of mine would do, and I love that you didn't get mad at her - you just put it in the fridge for the next day. What great mommy-patience! :-)

Bethany C. said...

That is so funny! Kids like this make me nervous to have teenagers. Sounds like she's going to give you a run for your money! And I love that you didn't get mad. Sometimes I feel like it becomes a battle of following through with what I said...over a a silly drink.