After swimming and playing all day at Deer Creek, we did a family service project in the evening. We cleaned off and trimmed around the headstones of members of our family who have passed on. The adults used the muriatic acid while the kids pulled weeds and trimmed (or had intentions of doing so). Most of the time they ran around and played and tried to stay cool. We tried to keep in the spirit of the service project by talking about our deceased relatives and the fact that through Jesus Christ we will be able to see them again. The highlight of this activity was mom's diaper face mask and Kaden and Isaac's chest bumping. Being around all of these fun kids can make anyone smile.
The day after our hike we headed to Deer Creek Reservoir to do some playing in the water. Dad brought up Grandpa's old fishing boat and the kids took turns going out on the water. When they weren't in the boat they were floating and playing around in the water and in the sand/dirt. Deer Creek is a far cry from the beaches of Southern California, but I know our family had a great time. Abby has been begging to go back everyday since. The kids were pretty wiped out. We have loved being with cousins while we've been here. My kids are so happy to be able to see them all of the time. I think it will be hard when we move to Highland. Aaron asks everyday if we can "buy a house a step away.." from his cousins.
We enjoyed a great family hike to Timpanogos Caves with the Vest Family. It was hard work, but very interesting. Everyone did great and there was only minimal complaining. The views were breathtaking and terrifying.