We spent all day on Saturday visiting and swimming in the pool. We even threw in a little birthday party for Aaron. The weather was awesome! It was a perfect day for swimming. Aaron loved his gifts and hugged them tightly to show his approval. He quickly pulled them away when Grandpa asked if they were for him and replied, "No Grandpa, you're too big, they won't fit!" The kids were literally wiped out after a full-day of swimming.
On Saturday night, Uncle Scott took us to an awesome park where we enjoyed a picnic of Cafe Rio. I told Scott that St. George would be a perfect place to live if you could just leave for the summer months. The air was dry and warm with a slight breeze, it really felt perfect.
I left St. George Sunday about 11:00 just as everyone else was heading off to church. I opted not to go, but to get on the road to beat the SoCal traffic. My plan was foiled when my mom called right as I reached Vegas. From the sound of her voice, I thought someone had died, but thank goodness it was just to tell me this, "Amy, you left your purse." Well, since I had feared the worst, my heart and stomach had already sunk and my nerves were whacked out of control, this was relieving news to hear. We made a plan to meet half-way somewhere outside of Mesquite for the hand-off. This added 2 extra hours onto our trip, but I am just glad it wasn't discovered any later and I am so grateful for my parents for coming to bring it to me. They are the best! I think Heavenly Father definitely has a sense of humor and he uses it to teach us a lesson. He must have been shaking his head witha smile saying, "Amy, you don't get ahead by skipping out on church." I learned my lesson. :)
The kids were troopers. We did hit SoCal traffic making the supposedly 7-8 hour trip closer to 10 hours , but we arrived home safe and happy. The last 30 minutes of the drive Isaac got really restless and started to cry, so Abby called Joe. He and Isaac talked and babbled and sang back and forth until we arrived home. It was amazing how much his spirits were lifted by hearing his dad's voice. I love my family and I am so grateful we were able to visit.
We've discovered another benefit to living in Southern California. It's alot easier to find an in-between spot to meet family. When you're living in Northern California, not many people live in or plan weekend trips to Elko or Battle Mountain, Nevada (if you know what I mean).