Brynn's been really into making books lately. Here are her latest editions.
My Familys Talents~By Brynn
Hi! Do you want to listen to my familys talents? OKMy Mom is good at art cooking.My Dad is good at hikeing.I am good at dancing.My sister is good at swimming.My brother is good at haveing fun.And my baby brother is good at smiling. The New Presadent
The presadent looked on the adress book and called Brock Obama and John McCain.
So they went to the salooshan. (solution)
They stopped at the place.
They gave a talk and said, "We will be trying to be the presadent."
Then they started on their journey.
A few more munths later Brock Obama won!
The Reptile Book
Ather and Illistrater by Brynn Lee
disclaimer - not all text is accurate :)
Hi do you want to know what a reptile is? Do you? Do you?
Some people like crocadile hunter people like to make a show about reptiles.
It's an annimal that has skails like fish.
Or a snake
See what I mean? snake fish lizard
You always should know this. A reptile is cold bloodid.
You know some reptiles live in zoo's or Africa or maby saint geordg or the desert.
Some reptiles like to be at places that have water.
Some reptiles make hoomans diy. (humans die)
Some reptiles eat other reptiles.
In the old days in the old old oldest days there were dinosaurs.
Reptiles are relly relly wild!