Brynn was in charge of our Family Home Evening lesson on Monday night. She chose to teach us about gratitude. She wrote out what she wanted to talk about earlier that day.
Give Thanks to Everyone
Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday, but you should remember it as a day to give thanks, in other words, gratefulness. It's great to be thankful for something. It makes your heart feel good inside when you thank someone for giving you a useful blessing. Always think how nice it would feel to give gratitude to one of your most known friends. Even when you are in hard times, give thanks and admit that its better than nothing. (Have family tell about a time where they gave thanks for a simple thing). Draw a picture of the blessings you got on Thanksgiving Day. *Bonus* Tell who you thanked.
I love our sweet Brynn.
Another sweet moment from Brynn. She tried out for the third grade play. She sang an original song that they had learned in class. (I'm not sure who wrote it). You could only try out for one part. She was so good! Seriously! She gets her talent from her dad, because I would never have the guts to sing a solo like that. Anyway, she was so awesome. She came up with actions and everything. We didn't really make that big of a deal about it at home by way of practicing or anything because they learned all of the words at school. I wasn't worried at all because I knew she would be the best and she was so confident. Well a few days after tryouts she came home and said, "Oh and mom, they announced the parts for the play today...and I got the understudy for the (I-can't-remember-the-name-of-the-part). I was seriously FLOORED! "WHAT?!?!?!"
She was so collected and so I tried to pull myself together. She said something like, "It's okay though, I get chosen for alot of things, and I've been able to be the lead lots of times, and I get chosen to help the teacher alot, it's good to give other kids the chance to shine." The next part really made me smile, "It's good for me to be able to feel what the other people feel like when they don't get chosen, you know, like for the ballet show or stuff like that. Now I can know what it feels like, and it's okay and I can help my friends feel better cause now I know. There are going to be other things in life that are disappointing and I am going to have to know how to deal with them."
Hello?! How old?
I am terrible, but this is what I said to her, "Brynn, I know you were the best. They probably knew you would be able to handle the disappointment and so they gave it to her, because NO ONE could have done a better job than you! You owned it!" I'm awful, I know, but seriously, the mother bear comes out!
Um, okay, how old are we people? She was acting like the almost 33 year old and I was acting like the just barely 9 year old. Maybe it was more a lesson for me than for her. She has such an old soul. I love her so much!