We spent a few days a week in rehearsal and a few hours on weekends, and by the middle of June we were there almost everyday. The show was wonderful, and while it was sad to see it all end for the year, we were ready to have a break.
Both years we have been involved, I have been amazed at the level of professionalism she pulls out of all of these young people. I am also amazed by the generosity of the community in their volunteer efforts. It's amazing to see the talents of individuals come together to make such a fabulous show. To see the detail that goes into a show like this is astounding! I think it's great for the kids to be part of something much bigger than themselves. Having to be responsible for rehearsals, props and costumes, not to mention actual parts, also teaches great sense of responsibilty. All this, while having the time of their lives! It's pretty fun. Living where we do has presented some challenges, there are also lots of bright spots about life here. This has definitely been one of those bright spots.
The picture below is of Brynn and her friend from our stake. Of all the dancers in the show, only 4 were LDS, and all of the dad's are in bishoprics in our Stake. Our Stake was represented well! H's dad is also the nephew of one of our former ward members in the Northpointe Ward in Spokane. It's so funny how many connections you find through the Church. We love H. She is very polite, super nice and has lots of personality.

Brynn with the King and Queen.

Before each show, they have an inspirational moment where the older girls who are part of the company encourage the rest of the dancers. It's been a great program to be a part of.

Brynn's biggest fans supported her so well! Abby's class did a little recital for the parents, but she wasn't in the big show. She showed the best support for Brynn. She came to almost all of the rehearsals and almost every one of the shows. Aaron even sat through two - 2 hour 45 minute performances, not to mention all of the rehearsals he endured! (I should say I endured, I chased him through most of them, trying to keep him off the stage).

This little girl below was so sweet. She came to Brynn after and wanted to give her the wand that her mom bought for her. After much coaxing, I finally convinced her that Brynn would hold it for the picture, but that she could have it back after. She was so sweet!
Brynn is pictured below with Anna Wilen, who played the part of Sleeping Beauty. She is a very talented dancer. She danced again this year with the professional ballet dancer, Ted Keener as Prince Desire. They were amazing. On the night this picture was taken, the music cut out and they continued to dance. You never realize just how hard they have to work until something like this happens and you can hear just how hard they are breathing. It was amazing!
Brynn with the Liac Fairy, Monica. She was so sweet with Brynn. Brynn spent many hours in rehearsals with these girls and they were always so kind and sweet with her.

Of all the fairy dances, Brynn loved the Garden Fairy's the best. Hannah (below) is the real daughter of the King and Queen who played Brynn's parents.
We were so happy that Grandma Rowene could come to visit and enjoy the show with us. Grandpa was at a conference in Las Vegas and really wished he could have been there too!
Brynn with Kara as Wormwood, the evil villain. She did an amazing job!
Isaac is probably thinking, "Do I really have to sit in this theater and watch another show?"

In between Acts, I had to go backstage and take Brynn's bun out and curl her hair for the Flower Girl scene. It was actually really fun to be backstage and to talk to Brynn.

Mrs. Ziser came to Brynn's final performance. Brynn was so happy to have her there. She kept asking me while I was backstage doing her hair, "Are you sure she is here? I didn't see her while I was on stage..." I assured her that she was. After the show Mrs. Ziser brougth her a flower to tell her, "Way to go!"

Brynn is pictured below with the director, Lisa Applegate. Lisa is so amazing with the girls, she's been running Applegate Dance for almost 20 years. After each performance she came up to Brynn knelt down in front of her and gave her specific compliments about her stage presence and dancing. Talk about a confidence builder.