The weather this week has been beautiful! I followed Scott's advice and said, "YES" to the kids request to play on the trampoline in their swimming suits. 74 degrees in January is
just the kind of weather I would order.
I stayed inside and caught smiles of this one...wishing I had a thousand dollar camera that would instantly snap the shots....but even without, so cute!
People always ask if he is a good baby. My response is always, "No not really.... but we love him anyway." He isn't always fussy, he just loves to be held. We've discovered recently that he's more of a social creature. He's always happiest when having his diaper changed, we figure it's because he can see our faces and we talk to just him, not just talk to everyone else who happen to be around him. So, simply put he is a good baby as long as I am holding him. :) We enjoy each other's company. This is what Sir Isaac looks like when he's not happy....still cute.
Brynn is a huge help! She usually does her homework while I make dinner, but she's always quick to pick Isaac up and walk around with him when he fusses or when I need to hold Aaron.
Do other people who have children just want to keep having them so they can see what the next one looks like? Or is it just me? Sounds very responsible of me, doesn't it? It's crazy, but I love their cute individual faces! But then reality hits and I'm reminded of all the work involved (emotional, physical, spiritual, etc.) with taking care of these cute little human beings!
We are busy, exhausted, and at times overwhelmed, but happy and enjoying this phase we are in.