Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Congratulations Gabe!

Joseph's brother Gabe tried out for the BYU Young Ambassadors a few weeks ago and we learned last week that he made it! We are very excited for Gabe and all the wonderful experiences he has ahead!

While I was in Utah for Emily's graduation, I went with Mom and Emily to Promenade for Mom to see some of the Young Women she used to teach, we caught peek of Gabe and his date and I snapped a picture for Joseph to see how handsome his little brother looked.

I was impressed with all of the modest prom dresses we saw! I saw living proof that they can be found, and I was also amazed at how many! I don't think we noticed any repeats and the majority of the dresses were very modest, you don't see that very often! I'm sure they probably cost more than my wedding dress, but we'll start saving, or's worth it! A very refreshing sight to see.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

On the Road Again

The view from the front of Mom and Dad's home in April! Yes, snow! The funniest part was that the van was covered with an inch or two and an hour later, it looked like spring. I'm really glad it doesn't snow where we are in California.

The back! Brrrr!

We loved our trip to Utah, but we all thought it snowed a little too much for April, (every other day).

We were excited to get back to California. The kids were remarkable in the car, but I think we may try flying every other trip :), with stops, it take about 12 hours door to door. I know we're just sitting in a car, but driving can be tiring. One thing that keeps me driving (besides the $1250+ in plane tickets) is the fact that I vaguely remember President Hinckley talking one time about bonding as families on road trips (I mostly remember because Joseph recalls it often when I complain about how long it takes). Maybe we'll do our car bonding within the state of California and leave the out of state trips for being quick. Memories in the making!

Blue and White and Rock Canyon

While I went shopping with Mom and Emily, Joe took the kids to the Blue and White game at LaVell Edwards Stadium and then to Rock Canyon to do a little hiking. He said the kids did great. Brynn kept right up, Abby had to stop to play with every rock and stick the entire way up and down and Aaron ran down the hill as fast as he could the whole way back it was hard to catch up with him and not leave Abby in the dust (she was still looking at rocks and creepy crawly things). Aaron only turfed it once, but kept in great spirits.

We had a great trip, but we are happy to be home, I enjoyed bumping into a a few friends while we were there. Holly and I visited briefly, and I was able to meet up with Laura Olsen who I really miss hanging out with. Laura just had her fourth boy! He is so sweet and cute. I really miss living close to her, our kids get along great and are about the same ages (I think they all have minor crushes on each other) and she is always a fun friend to visit with, so down to earth, kind and good. I always leave thinking I want to be just like her.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Annie at Kingsbury Hall

On Thursday night, mom took Brynn and Abby to "Annie" at Kingsbury Hall in Salt Lake City. We went out to eat at The Spaghetti Factory at Trolley Square first. The girls acted like little ladies on their date with grandma, it was a special night. I hadn't been in Trolley Square since the shootings last year, it was a little strange, but I think they are trying hard to keep things alive there.
Getting all fancied up was fun for them.

Emily and I took Aaron shopping at Gateway since we knew he wouldn't do well at the play. He loved having alone time with the two of us. He's such a cute little tease. He had fun running around and under clothes racks and climbing in and out of his stroller. His favorite part was sitting in the chair at Gymboree to watch the movie, which we had to peel him from kicking and screaming.
Aaron found a cute little bear that I'm certain Daddy would have purchased for him, if he had been with us, that ol' softy. We still have the one he bought for Abby because he felt bad about buying Brynn a new pair of jeans and not Abby. Though, turning down those sweet brown eyes is never easy.

The funnies part of the whole night was when we picked them up after the show. Abby climbed into the van singing at the top of her lungs, "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I lub ya, tomorrow, you're only a day away...TOOOOMORROW...." It was so funny. Mom said that while they were walking out they were stuck in wall to wall people and all of the sudden she heard this little voice start belting the words spontaneously. Everyone looked down and had a good smile.

Mom said the girls did really well during the play. Abby dramatically mouthed the words during each song, pretending she was the one on stage. Too funny!

Here's a little sampler of the concert we had on the way home.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Playing with the Lee Cousins

We spent Sunday afternoon session with Joseph's family up at his mom's house. The kids had a great time playing with their cousins. There are always lots of people to play with and visit with and it makes it fun for everyone.

We had a nice time visiting and enjoying conference. With the family dynamics things can get complicated and not so easy to deal with, and things don't always go perfectly, but Joseph does well rolling with the punches, learning as he goes, and accepting criticism with humility. He is a near-perfect example of charity and I am very proud of him for that. I have much to learn from him. What a very good heart he has.

Couldn't forget Will, the dog. The girls were very happy he was locked up in the dog run this visit. Joseph and Aaron enjoyed admiring Grandma Shawny's horses.

We love the beautiful mountains of Utah!
We were able to meet up with cousins again near the end of the week at Uncle Matthew and Aunt Michal's new house in Salem. It is beautiful! Matthew works for the law firm of Kirton and McKonkie and was moved from Salt Lake to Provo to start up a new office there, so they decided to move their family further south as well. They are really happy to be in Salem and we are really happy for them. It was fun hearing them talking about going to school in Salem with so many Lee cousins.

We attended Ellie, Claire, Bethany, and Isaac's dance program at the Covey Center for the Arts and really enjoyed it. Bethany was the little star of the show and has become a beautiful dancer. It was really cute to see the other three dance around as well. We got a kick out of little 4 year old Ellie, she moped around the stage and acted like she did not want to be up there, later she told us that someone poked her in the eye and it made her feel bad. It was pretty funny to watch.

Isaac was a cute Buzz light year and hopped and darted around the stage. It was really cute to watch.

Vest Cousins-April 2008 Trip

Boston and Aaron
Brynn, Cooper and Delaney taking a tour of the Hollow
More fun at the Hollow - Cooper, Brynn, Delany, Mckenzie

Wade and Aaron enjoying a little sports center. Now we know where Aaron gets the hands behind the head trait while he sleeps or watches t.v., from Uncle Wader.

Time with Brothers

Joseph took some time to do some manly stuff while we were in Utah. He LOVES his brothers. Not only is Joe the bomb! He is also a balm to many. I'm glad he was able to connect with them. He and Casey went hiking in Rock Canyon and then he went shooting with some of his brothers, brother in law, and nephews. Joseph isn't really into guns, but he is into his brothers and will do anything for the chance to be with them!